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About Matthew

Workshops & Coaching Sessions
on How to Write a Book Yourself



No matter who you are or where you’re from, you have a story that’s worth sharing with the world. Words have a unique kind of power, and if you harness that power by writing a book, you can impact countless people. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping people achieve their writing goals.

My own writing journey started as just a hobby until I decided to work towards my dream of becoming a full-time writer. Once I started dedicating time to my writing career, it took off! I quickly became a #1 bestselling author on Amazon, then I focused my effort on ghostwriting, and made enough money to quit my 9-5 job. So far, I’m a #1 bestselling author of over 50 books on Amazon, and I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon! On top of that, I’ve also co-founded Six-Figure Ghostwriter and I run a book publishing business to help others achieve their writing goals. There were plenty of ups and downs throughout my writing journey, but I gained a lot of valuable experience along the way, made great connections in the writing industry, and realized that I love sharing what I’ve learned with others.


My Story

In The

In January 2015, I was nearly $85,000 in debt and unemployed, with just $100 in my checking account. On top of all that, I was unqualified for unemployment assistance because the gap between my full-time job in the Navy and the time I requested help was too long. I applied to countless jobs, but interviewers would tell me that I was “overqualified” for the jobs I was applying for. I just couldn’t seem to get ahead! I was chronically depressed and anxious because of the way my life was going. I knew I had to make a change.

Author Hacker

Author Hacker



I decided that I was done blaming others for my problems. That’s when I made a commitment to try achieving my dream: becoming a full-time writer!

I was determined to start writing more consistently and treat it as a full-time job, not just a hobby. For me, that meant writing a minimum of 1,500 words 

a day for 12 months straight. 

I had my fair share of doubts at first, but I told myself to just keep trying.

Lightning 1


Each day, I would post a chapter to a Wattpad, a website where writers share free stories with readers. It didn’t take long before I started seeing one blessing after another! I was able to write much more than my minimum word count, averaging about 5,000 words per day without getting burned out. I gained 54,000 followers on Wattpad, and the feedback kept me motivated to keep improving my writing skills.

My story amassed over 1 million reads, won several writing contests, and became a #1 bestselling book on Amazon! To top it all off, I landed a job as a Technical Writer in March 2015, earning a steady income of $55,000 a year.



All of those creative writing accomplishments were great, but at the same time, I still wasn’t making any money with it. Sure, I was making a living as a Technical Writer, but it was a lot of work and my heart just wasn’t in it. I asked myself how I could turn my passion for creative writing into a successful career so I would never have to worry about money again. Like many writers out there, I tried self-publishing and traditional publishing, but those career paths weren’t successful enough for me to quit my job and write stories full-time.

5 Point Star

my resolution

One day, a light bulb went off in my head. I decided to start ghostwriting, and I realized how fun and rewarding it was! As a ghostwriter, I was able to make a steady income off creative writing, share stories with readers, and help people all at the same time. Eventually, I was even able to quit my Technical Writing job to pursue more meaningful career goals. That extra time allowed me to become a #1 bestselling author of over 50 books on Amazon!

While ghostwriting, I realized just how much I enjoyed helping people share their stories with the world. That inspired me to delve deeper into the writing industry so I could help even more people out. I co-founded Six-Figure Ghostwriter with the goal of teaching other writers how to achieve financial and career success. From there, I started running a successful book publishing business, so now I enjoy mentoring authors on both the technical and business aspects of producing bestselling books!

My Beliefs


  • As a Christian, I truly believe it’s my higher purpose
    to help people share their stories.
  • When an author writes a book to share their unique story
    with others, I believe it has the power to change the world.

Like Many Writers,


One day, a light bulb went off in my head. I decided to start ghostwriting, and I realized how fun and rewarding it was! As a ghostwriter, I was able to make a steady income off creative writing, share stories with readers, and help people all at the same time. Eventually, I was even able to quit my Technical Writing job to pursue more meaningful career goals. That extra time allowed me to become a #1 bestselling author of over 50 books on Amazon!

While ghostwriting, I realized just how much I enjoyed helping people share their stories with the world. That inspired me to delve deeper into the writing industry so I could help even more people out. I co-founded Six-Figure Ghostwriter with the goal of teaching other writers how to achieve financial and career success. From there, I started running a successful book publishing business, so now I enjoy mentoring authors on both the technical and business aspects of producing bestselling books!

Join the FREE 7-DAY AUTHOR HACKERS CHALLENGE where you will discover how to write, publish & launch a best selling book in 30 days or less… guaranteed! After launching over 1,058 authors to become Best Selling Authors, Matthew is sharing his systems, frameworks and processes to help you launch your own best selling book!
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